The Quest for Object X – Un software didattico del Progetto CLEA

Project CLEA develops laboratory exercises that illustrate modern astronomical techniques using digital data and color images. The lab software contains a variety of optical telescopes of various apertures, equipped with photometer, spectrometer, and a CCD camera capable of taking images and saving them as FITS files for analysis. It also includes a radio telescope capable of recording incoming signals at three separate frequencies. The dataset for this exercise is a subset a more VIRTUAL EDUCATIONAL OBSERVATORY (VIREO) which includes over 15 million objects covering the entire sky. Like the all-sky dataset, the data supplied with the OBJECT X lab includes stars, galaxies, quasars, asteroids, and pulsars in several areas of the sky.
The Quest for Object X â Un software didattico del Progetto CLEA.pdf [119.68Kb]
Caricato Domenica, 13 Novembre 2022 da Mario Sandri

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