The 2009 Course of Didactics in Radio Astronomy, organized by Sezione di Ricerca Radioastronomia UAI, was dedicated to the radio meteors. The course, devoted to amateur astronomers and teachers, was divided in four sessions discussing on the following topics: basic meteor theory, observational techniques, data processing and analysis, amateur astronomer and didactic experiences. The first session was aimed to supply the basic elements of the meteoric science emphasizing the analysis and observational techniques. An innovative aspect of this course was the introduction of the topics in both radio and optical point of view. This approach offered a wide a more complete understanding of the meteoric phenomena. At last it was explained the contribution that amateur astronomer can give in this field of the astronomical research.
Corso di radioastronomia didattica.pdf [613.42Kb]
Caricato Domenica, 13 Novembre 2022 da Mario Sandri

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