
Le Geminidi nel 2013

The purpose of this work is to analyse a meteor shower making use of a parameter easily comparable, that is the position of the maximum of activity. In fact we studied the action of Geminids, an active meteor shower we examined in December.

We had not acquired the data, but they were given to us by the association "Astrofili Bolognesi" that had built a radio device based on the principle of forward-scatter.

These results were compared with the others taken from the “Meteor Radio Orservating Bulletin.

In a second moment we studied the actions of the shower analysing that data taken from the archive provided by the “International Meteor Organization”.

In the end, the results obtained from the radio were compared to those emerged from the visual technique; and finally we compared this data with the scientific literature. We particularly pointed out how the meteor shower of Geminids is part of a more complex meteor stream, where there seems to be a presence of other two showers with similar characteristics.
Le Geminidi nel 2013.pdf [442.19Kb]
Caricato Sabato, 12 Novembre 2022 da Mario Sandri

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Il radar meteorico

La fisica del fenomeno meteorico

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